Editing smooths out the beauty of writing so that what’s ordinary, like this table, becomes even better, such as with the ice pattern on top.
By Shelley Widhalm
Editing is not easy, and for many, it’s not exactly fun.
It’s never a one-time thing either and often requires a couple of read-throughs. To be the most effective, editing needs at least three rounds: structural, line and proofreading.
Look through the entire document for the overall structure, or how the information is put together and presented to the reader. Make sure everything makes sense and is in a logical order with any explanations and examples fitting with the message.
Line Level
Check for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation and mechanics; words that are missing or misused; and sentence structure that is awkward or clumsy.
Give a final pass to catch the errors not caught in the first analysis and second read-through, since it’s impossible to see every single mistake in a solitary read. This requires a careful, slow read word by word.
As you edit, there are several things to think about.
The Fast and Fun Tips*:
- Cut the long sentences and use varied sentence lengths and structures; plus, mix in short and long paragraphs.
- Cut unnecessary words and sentences that do not move the message along or confuse what you’re trying to say. This will get you to the essential meaning or intention of what you want to say.
- Check for sentences that don’t make sense or are too technical or heavy in ideas.
- Avoid repetition of words, facts and details.
- Opt for the active voice over the passive voice. For example, say, “The dog ran after the cat,” instead of “The cat was chased by the dog.”
- Keep verb tenses the same, especially within a sentence.
- Replace adjectives and adverbs with nouns and verbs.
- Avoid clichés, unless used for a specific purpose, because they serve as space fillers.
If looking at sentences or paragraphs is boring to you, hire an editor! Your writing will improve tenfold, and it will be clear, clean and concise. It’s worth the investment of effort, time and resources.